Saturday, October 31, 2020

Hallotober Tag


Welcome readers & Happy Halloween! A special shout out and thanks to Neri @ Post Cards from La-La Land for the inspiration for a fun Halloween Questionnaire. I know it’s been a while since I’ve last posted. Boy do I have some updates for you! But first, let’s talk about Hallotober! 

Hallotober Tag Rules

  1. Thank the person who tagged you and link to their post 

  2. Put the rules at the beginning or after the introduction

  3. Answer the 13 questions 

  4. Tag 13 people

  5. Delete Question 13, add a new number one question of your own

  6. You are free to use the tag image somewhere in the post


I don’t have 13 people to tag--but feel free to play along if the fancy strikes you! 

Hallotober Tag:

Do you believe in ghosts?

I do! I’ve had a few ghostly encounters of my own, and I’ve heard a lot of family members and friends tell some of their own as well. Maybe if I get around to it, I’ll share a couple of them as blog posts!  

Trick or treat? Do you prefer a book that‘s full of twists and shockers or do you prefer a more comfortably predictable story?

    I love books that are full of twists and shockers. I’m a hardcore mystery lover and when I was a kid I wanted to be a detective---so I love trying to figure out whodunnit before the author’s big reveal at the end of the novel. The more twists and turns--the harder the mystery.

What is your favorite horror novel or short story?

    I love the Nevermore Series by Kelly Creagh. It’s a paranormal romance-horror that involves monsters and alternate dimensions first discovered by Edgar Allan Poe. It’s a beautiful mix of reality and magic that leaves you wondering, what if...

What was the last Halloween costume you wore?

Last year I had a lot of fun dressing up for my Halloween storytimes. I got to dress up 3 days in a row! I made 3 different, easy DIY costumes that I’m actually really proud of. I was a black cat, a unicorn and a Hogwarts Student. 

What is your favorite fall snack?

Hot apple cider! Okay, okay, it’s a drink--but it’s my favorite food-related thing about fall :) 

Do you carve pumpkins?

I did this year for the very first time! What do you think, readers? Can you figure out which one is mine?

Do you prefer horror movies or stories?

This is a great question. Am I watching the horror movie by myself, or am I with a group of people I trust? Because honestly, that’s about the only way I watch them anymore! Hands down, I think I prefer reading the scary stories because I feel more in control of how scared I actually feel. There’s something about movies that are sometimes way more real than they need to be!

What is your favorite Halloween memory?

 So this isn’t necessarily Halloween specific--but it’s my favorite fall memory. I went to a local corn maze with a group of friends. Everyone was there in pairs, except for me (my then boyfriend simply didn’t want to go) and my now husband (whose partner also chose to not go). So as a group we did the corn maze, which was a TON of fun (pretty sure someone got punched in the face when he tried to scare the group at large). But when that was over we did all of the other games associated, like the Wheelbarrow Race and the Giant Barrel Roll, and split off into couples. I was left awkwardly with this guy I didn’t know, whose significant other also ditched last minute. During the Giant Barrel Roll, he kept getting super dizzy and falling, and because we had been going so fast, I couldn’t stop the Barrel, so inevitably he fell out, several times. AND, being the jerk that I am, I laughed uncontrollably the whole time. Nearly six years (and a lot of growth and change) later, we’re now married and still laugh hysterically when we share this story. 

 Do you prefer to give out candy or get candy?

Okay, so I LOVE candy and going for walks--but I’m too old to get candy myself. And honestly, it’s no big deal to go to the store and pick out my favorite candies. When my daughter gets a little older, going with her will probably be my favorite. But until she gets older, handing out candy will probably be my favorite for a while. You get to see all of the cute costumes and make kids smile. 

Do you decorate for Halloween or fall?

Again, this is something I hope to get better about as my daughter gets older. I’m pretty lazy though, so in my adult life pre-daughter, I didn’t really decorate because it was just more cleaning for myself after the holiday was over. 

Do you have a favorite urban legend? If so what is it?

So we have one local urban legend that I remember pretty distinctly called Cry Baby Ridge. There’s a long section of winding road surrounded by towering trees that crosses over a cavernous river. There is one spot along the road where you can pull off to the side and access the river. This is Cry Baby Ridge. If you pull over in this spot at midnight on a full moon you will hear the wails of a newborn emanating from the river far below. It is said that a desperate teenage mother left her newborn down by the river’s edge in the middle of nowhere to spare herself society’s judgement. That lost little newborn still haunts that riverbank even to this day, wailing for its mother. And if a woman gets too close while the child weeps, it will mistake you for its mother and drown you in the river in sweet revenge. 

Would you rather spend a night in a graveyard or a haunted house?

Graveyard! If I’m going to be scared, I want to be scared by real ghosts--not electronic stuff. Now, if it’s a real haunted house, I’d still probably choose the graveyard, because it’d be more likely to be haunted by less-angry ghosts. If a house is haunted by a real ghost, they tend to be more angry--right? Nobody ever talks about the ghosts that water their plants or complete their puzzles. 

What is your favorite spooky movie?

Practical Magic. I know it’s pegged as a romantic fantasy--but it has it’s creepy moments! And as much as I’ve wanted to be a detective, I’ve longed to be a witch even longer. 


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