Friday, July 6, 2018

Meal Planning

As a newly single person, I feel like it’s time to up my adulting game a bit. When I was in a relationship I tried eating healthy. I tried meal plans. But my partner was never any help in picking out meals and rarely made it home in time to enjoy them with me.

I was raised in a house where family meals were important. They were a special time to sit down and talk with busy family members you hadn’t seen all day. They were about love and connection as much as good food.

So I would try to recreate this with my ex, but he had a schedule that didn’t leave a lot of time for me most nights. Some of it was work, some of it was exercise and rugby practice--all important things. But a lot of it was also that he had a full social life (also not a bad thing!--but a lot of the time, his social life came before me). I’m all for having fun with friends, but one shared meal a day was important to me, and he couldn’t bother to give me one night a week.

I was willing to cook whenever he was going to be home. It hurt to know that he didn’t want to spend this special time with me, and meal planning and healthy eating began to feel like a burden. It was just one more adult task I was doing by myself in a life meant to be a partnership. And I began to hate it because it was a constant reminder of how little I thought I meant to him. It was draining, emotionally and financially. So I quit.

Now, I'm not saying that my ex was a bad person. I just think that he was the wrong person for me. And because I have a very loyal and determined spirit, even when I felt this realization the most, I never wanted to acknowledge it. I thought I could fix it. But you can't fix what isn't meant to be.

Everyone says that the hardest part about relationships is fighting to keep them alive. Well, I think they're wrong. I think the hardest part is letting go of people you love so that you can focus on loving and taking care of yourself. If you don't do it, no one else will. So be good to yourselves, Readers.

Now that I'm Solo Adulting, I’m going to try to do just that. I might be eating by myself, but I deserve to eat tasty, healthy food!

If you’re looking for some new recipes, here are some of the meal plans I’m looking into for this week! Join me!
Love Grows Wild
Mom on Timeout
Le Creme de la Crumb

Do you have any relatively healthy meals you really enjoy? (Remember, I am not a chef… easy recipes are the ones I’m going to try first.) Share them with me in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Larkynn,

    You are an inspiration. I can empathize a lot with your post. I don't think people always consider the mental and emotional sides of something as seemingly simple as fixing a meal. It is something important. My husband and I have struggled finding that time in our marriage so I get exactly what you are saying. Stay strong. Stay fearless!


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